About me
I have been a professional Illustrator/cartoonist for a long time working for a wide range of clients through the years and on a heady mix of projects, more recently I have branched out into drawing for myself. Mainly landscapes of places I love as well as photographs, taken near where I live in Gloucestershire UK. Sheds feature a lot in my collection.
More recently I have been producing a collection of images which feature signs and sights of Los Angeles. All from my photographs taken over the last few years on trips over there. I love the signs in LA and I've enhanced my photographs and made them into silk screen type versions. I hope you like them and would welcome any feedback on any of my work on this site.
There's also a blog site where I bang on about stuff that I like or don't. In the main one tries not to grumble, leaving that to many other people better qualified at that than me.
Thank you very much for taking the time to drop by here.